Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: How Automating DEI Data Improves ROI and Shortens Time to Hire

Seemingly overnight (and not a moment too soon) diversity, equity, and inclusion have gone from catchy buzzwords to bottomline must-haves. The rising demand for beefed up DEI programs that go beyond the status quo of 90 minute training sessions and brown bag lunches has DEI leaders and professionals scrambling to scale. Developing a diverse workforce is no small job, never mind the pressure to achieve greater equity under tight budgets and tighter timelines.

The solution comes in the form of artificial intelligence (AI), designed to automate large-scale data combing and help chart the path toward meeting your equity goals. Included does just that, aggregating and processing huge volumes of information and producing actionable suggestions.

Not only does our platform process information much faster than any human team could, but it does so without the limitations of unconscious bias, and is able to spot points of growth that would otherwise be missed.


Just-in-Time DEI Decision Making

Past the initial step of recognizing that change is needed, many enterprises struggle to pinpoint the precise next steps in creating a diverse workforce. Included AI takes out the guesswork by running millions of bias scenarios and offering up just in time DEI solutions.

For example, our platform can tell you within hours of publishing an open role –if your recruitment platforms are delivering a slate of diverse candidates that aligns with your hiring goals, and how to fill in any gaps. With Included, you can move faster while sourcing higher quality candidates.

Or perhaps there are URG candidates lost in your ATS system that were passed over in earlier hiring cycles. Our platform can comb through the system and support the recruiter to go back and evaluate their potential to be added to the slate. Fully vetted candidates with established validity and a known interest in your enterprise have now been re-sourced, potentially saving hours upon hours of work.

Included makes you agile, able to change outcomes before they are locked in, eliminating wasted resources and improving ROI. With up-to -the-moment insights and simple, actionable suggestions, the Included platform shortens time to hire while crushing your KPIs.

While it is well-documented that racial and gender equity are associated with increased profitability and higher-performing teams, diversity is still often seen in competition with business goals, or as a diversion from simply hiring the highest quality candidates <spoiler alert it’s not true>. Our platform puts that idea permanently to rest. Across every stage of the recruitment funnel, our AI-powered engine offers real-time DEI solutions that reduce manual information processing time, increase speed of hire, and deliver solutions tightly calibrated to the current landscape.


All Together Now

Demographic data, historically under-measured and under-reported can now be easily aggregated by our platform to create a complete picture of your hiring processes and outcomes. More importantly, we use these insights to deliver your action steps toward increased pass-through rates for underrepresented groups at every stage of the recruitment funnel. The Included platform is more than AI, it’s a partner in accomplishing what was once thought impossible: fast-paced sourcing and recruitment of high-quality candidates that meet your diversity and equity goals at scale.

Contact us for more information on how the Included platform can scale your efforts to build a diverse workforce

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