Do You Need Diversity and Inclusion Software?

How DEI Software Helps Meet HR & Business Objectives

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are essential for building strong, successful businesses. But for your efforts to be fruitful, DEI initiatives also need to be baked into your recruiting and hiring processes. Research shows that prioritizing DEI in the recruiting and hiring process creates brand-building opportunities and correlates with better financial performance. Also, there are increasing demands from shareholders and the public– mentions of DEI on S&P 500 earnings calls have increased 658% since 2018.

So, how can you ensure that your DEI recruiting efforts are helping you meet your diversity and inclusion goals?

Diversity and inclusion software helps you automate, track, and improve your DEI goals and analyze and measure your DEI efforts. Here, we delve into why diversity and inclusion software is essential for businesses that are serious about improving their DEI initiatives and reaching their overall business objectives.

DEI Software Can Identify Diversity Gaps

Before you can work on improving your diversity hiring processes you need to know what gaps currently exist in your company.

A diversity and inclusion software platform can help you identify where your processes are lacking and, therefore, where you can make improvements. For example, if one of your goals is to improve the representation of BIPOC employees, diversity and inclusion software analyzes your data to show equity gaps. Included’s diversity and inclusion software can even provide you with step-by-step guidance for meeting your DEI goals.

Recruitment experts agree that identifying diversity gaps is the first step toward building a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Once you’ve honed in on your weaker areas, you can work on strengthening them.

DEI Platforms Can Reduce Unconscious Bias

Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside of their own conscious awareness. Recruiters and hiring managers can disrupt and reduce implicit bias through operationalizing intentionally inclusive practices. DEI software can provide important insights into areas where there are equity gaps in your hiring funnel. For instance, you can see where in your hiring process a particular demographic leaves your candidate pool, and make active improvements to policy and process to increase equity.

DEI Platforms Can Provide Objective Analysis

It can be difficult to remain objective when identifying unconscious bias and pinpointing diversity gaps. DEI software can help eliminate the subjectivity of this analysis, providing you with valuable, accurate data to help improve your company’s DEI efforts.

A study by Accenture found that there’s a “large gap between what leaders think is going on and what employees say is happening on the ground.” This level of subjectivity is inevitable in any workplace, but it’s all the more crucial to remove this subjectivity wherever possible to obtain a balanced, accurate view of your DEI goals and performance.

With a DEI platform’s analytics tool, you can remove this subjectivity and replace it with objective, measurable data, ensuring you have an accurate picture of what your workplace looks like and what is happening on the ground.

DEI Software Can Help You Create More Inclusive Job Descriptions

One of the easiest things you can do to increase diversity in the workplace is to rework your job descriptions to be more inclusive and equitable. Reducing the use of gender-coded language, for instance, can encourage more female and non-binary candidates to apply. However, this seemingly simple task can be difficult given the challenge of unconscious bias.

Experts recommend rewriting job descriptions annually — or as each job evolve — in order to keep them up-to-date with current research on DEI best practices. Text analysis software can help you craft inclusive job descriptions by flagging language or phrasing that may be discouraging diverse hires, or by pointing out gaps in inclusive language that could help diversify your talent pool.

DEI Software Is a Business Must

Understanding how vital DEI is for business performance is just the first step. To support your business objectives, you need a powerful tool to help you analyze your data and make meaningful improvements to your DEI efforts. DEI software is an absolute business essential for any company looking to improve their diversity and inclusion.

Included can help your business become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive by identifying unconscious bias, providing actionable insights, and analyzing your job descriptions to help establish better DEI best practices. Schedule a demo to see the platform in action.


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